Welcome to the Ravens of Alladore!

I’ve always loved the more skirmish side of wargaming and for the last year, me and my wife Sarah have been playing an ongoing Frostgrave campaign, working our way through the expansion books. Though we’ve loved all the scenarios we’ve played, the co-op games have been the ones that really stuck with us, so when Joe McCullough, author of Frostgrave announced a fully co-op skirmish game using the Frostgrave core mechanics, we were instantly excited!

Since the release of Rangers of Shadow Deep, I’ve been frantically painting, modelling and creating terrain, ready for our first playthrough of the campaign!  I’m going to use this blog to share the characters, painting, terrain and experiences we have with the game.

Alas, like any wargamer, I have a million projects on the goat once, so there may be a few diversions into these along the way, includingFrostgrave, Necromunda, LOTR SBG, Mordheim and more…

The Ravens assemble…
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